Monday 24 July 2017

My holiday trip part One (there will be a part two by the end of the week)

In the holidays I went to hawaii it was really fun. we saw lots of awesome things like mars (the old lava flow formed rock and it looks like mars) a live volcano black sand beaches and even cool pools.

We went on thursday the week before school ended on the 9 hour flight it was boring if you were wondering and my two younger brothers just could not sit still we got there in the end and it was 36 degrees celsius we went to the island oahu to honolulu and stay two nights we did a lot not a little but a lot of shopping on those two days. then we got on another plane and went to hawaii (the main island) the flight was 26 minutes long and when we arrived we drove to the the kings land (a five star hotel) and settled in then we hopped on the hotels shuttle and went to queens market place we also did lots of swimming in that day. For the rest of the week we did sight seeing and swimming and tanning in the hot sun on the black sand beaches.
To be continued